Our website name has changed!

Dear Readers of Low Carb Support blog,

Low Carb Support website has now been officially renamed to Carbophobic!

Website redirects are already in place, so if you are reading this, then you have already reached our new domain at carbophobic.com.

So why did we decide to change the name?

Let’s face it – Low Carb Support is a fairly boring name. Bland, unexciting. And not exactly memorable!

That was the name I picked for my blog back in 2012. It was sort of ok, although not great by any means, not even back then. As you can probably tell, I knew very little about branding at the time!

Six years later, it’s high time for an upgrade to something more memorable and exciting.

Carbophobic already has a big social media following

I adopted Carbophobic as my handle for social media (with the exception of Facebook – which I am now trying to rectify). It was and still is the name I use on Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest.

Thousands of people who follow me on those channels know me as Carbophobic. Often, they don’t even realise that this website has any relation to me.

My personal diet principles have evolved

In the beginning, I thought this blog would be about all low-carb diets. But that’s a very wide field. As my experience and understanding of low-carb nutrition grew, I gradually narrowed my focus.

This reflects my own personal progression. I have moved on from generic cutting down on carbs (no sugar, no white flour) to strict Keto with some intermittent fasting. So that’s what I plan to focus on in the future.

So what’s next?

I have many plans for the next few months – complete revamp of the beginner section, more information on Keto and fasting aspects of the diet, plus explainer videos on the most popular topics.

Watch this space!

Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to connecting with you on our new and revamped website.

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